New Addition - Baby Boy

Alhamdulillah my little sister gave birth to her 4th child. Both mum and baby are well, alhamdullillah. Masha Allah, Allah has blessed her with 2 girls and 2 boys. Mabruk! May Allah make her a better mum (although she is a good mum, masha Allah) and her children good Muslimun. Ameen.


Anonymous said…
Congrats Mak Su, Good thing it's a boy cuz remember what I said?
fatimah_mastura said…
ALLAHu akbar walillahilhamd!
bertambah la kini ummat
Nabi Junjungan;
Muhammad ibn Abdullah ShalALLAHualaihiwasalam...

alfu mabruk diucapkan...
fi amanillah (^^,)