
A cuddle can make me happy.

Sharing Muja story in forums


Muja's PODD Communication Book Part II

Muja's PODD Communication Book Part I

Finding modest swimwear for a Muslimah

Oxygen Therapy

Kalimatan - Two words that are dear to Allah SWT

Have A Blessed Eid ul Fitr

Download Takbir in MP3 and Listen Takbir in YouTube.

Sunnah of the Eid

Supplication for a sick person

Minibeasts Incursion at Carson Street School

Muja signing her shahadah

What's on her cheek?

Home based therapies session for Muja from TCCP

Conductive education walking task series

Ramadan Kareem

The future of Conductive Education at Carson Street School

My community helps to purchase a van

ENT advised on removal of the tonsils

Finding an accessible wheelchair van

The process of getting a wheelchair.

Muja got her new hearing aids from Australian Hearing.

Should I get a stroller or wheelchair for Muja?

Conductive education: Rolling over task

Muja in PMH for virus infection in her tummy, yet again.

I don't like eating cupcakes but enjoy baking them for my girls.

Conductive education: School for parents.

Muja had tummy infection again.

Placing a feeding tube directly into the stomach.

Muja second sleep study at Princess Margarate Hospital.

Suggestions for Waking up for Fajr!