Muja's bowel movement.

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

Muja toilet training.

Just a quick update about Muja's bowel movement. Alhamdulillah since she was prescribed with Movicol-Half, she can open her bowel movement every two days. She takes a sachet of Movicol-Half dissolved in water every two days.

Movicol-Half is made of Macrogol 3350, sodium chlorine, sodium bicarbonate and potassium chloride. It soften the stool in the intestine with the water taken with it because it cause the water to keep in the gut instead of absorbed in the body.

Before she opened her bowel every 5 to 7 days. Ouuuch! It does hurt her a lot, and sometime with blood. I am so distress to see her trying hard to push hard stool with great difficulty and uncomfortably. What I did sometime was insert an almond size of my homemade unscented soap in her bottom and usually in no time she will open her bowel with a little struggle. I tried to give her every 3 days but only some time it open until I give her another after two days.

Previouslly she was prescribed with lactulose but it does not help her bowel movement at all.

Although the Movicol-Half works well for Muja now, I am worried about the long side effect of it. Movicol-Half contains Macrogol 3350 which contains polyethlene glycol. Polyethlene glycol is also widely use in cosmetic products. According to a report by the Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR) committee that was published in the International Journal of Toxicology, polyethlene glycol can increase the risk of cancer.

Does you child have constipation? What do you do? Are they natural ways to treat constipation?


Amalina said…
Lightnur, Afiqah pun ada masalah sembelit. Masa di Msia doc HKL beri Lactulose/ Lactose? (lupa), mmg tak berkesan. Tapi masalah Afiqah, plg lama pun 5 hari, doc kata masih lg tk bahaya. Skrg ni tak ambil apa2 pun utk masalah sembelit tu, cuma I pastikan Afiqah minum air cukup, vege byk, and bila dah 3 hari ke atas tk buang air I massage perut dia. Tolak dr kanan ke kiri n ke bwh, ikut pergerakan usus. So far, alhamdulillah, plg2 pun third day dia akan membuang. Biasanya tiap hari atau 2 hari.
Lightnur said…
Asslamualaikum Amal.

Terima kasih kerana datang ke lightnur dan memberi komen tentang pengalaman sembelit Afiqah.

Masalahnya dengan Mujaheeda, dia tidak boleh makan jadi cuma susu melalui NG tube. Jadi kurang fibre. Insha Allah mungkin saya boleh cuba memberi Muja air secukupnya.

Kadang-kadang saya memberi massage diperutnya seperti yang Amal terangkan. Agak menolong juga.

Alhamdulillah, keadaan Afiqah tidak bahaya.

Semoga Allah menolong kita menghadapi cubaan hidup ini dengan penuh ketabahan, Ameen.
