2007 soon comes to the end.

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

Masha Allah soon comes to the end of 2007. Subhana Allah, I was so busy with this life. Above that the syaitan made me forget about the hereafter. So much of this world that I am afraid, I will the loser in the hereafter. I know I didn't do many good deeds but when I did them, I promised that they were solely for the pleasing of Allah.

This year has been wonderful. What a life? I was going through ups and downs like riding a roller coaster, Masha Allah. Subhana Allah what an experience Allah had planned for me. And I love all of them. Alhamdulillah for all the trials especially during the hard ones when I broke my tears and put my trust in Allah to deal with the affairs. Alhamdulillah, I felt the strength Allah gave to me to moved on with this life. There is no power except with Allah.

With those experience, I was pushed to think twice about my purpose in life. Not that I didn't know my purpose but to review whether it has been accomplished or not. There was a time when I asked Allah if He was going to test my patience like He tested His prophet, Ayyub. I learnt that I was so at peace when I have done everything to only please Allah.

May Allah make we live according to His wills and make we die in Islam only, Ameen.
