What Our Homeschooling Is Like On Tuesday

Tilawah - After Fajr we are do tilawah of the Qur'an and read its translation. We would focus on tajweed rules especially the maad because the girls sometime did not say it. They rushed in reading. Then we would discuss the ayah we were reading.

Arabic Language - Every Tuesday and Thursday. Alhamdulillah the girls have been doing Arabic nearly 6 years. Our aim for this year is to learn the qur'an vocabulary words, its meaning and spelling test. There is a nice easy way to understand qur'an that we use. My dream is that the girls understand what they read and put it into practise. We will keep on going for Allah sake.

K - Mental Math, Math, Grammar and Science.

H - Math, SOSE, English and Science.

As usually before Zuhr the girls have done all their secular work on their workbooks and textbooks. Masha Allah. If not we would stop for Zuhr then preparing the lunch between 12:30 to 2:00. After lunch and afternoon rest they will continuing their unfinished work.

Internet Time - They do research on our theme for this term which is Hajj and learn to do setting, posting and editing their own blog.

Theme for this term - Hajj.


Writing the procedure on how to make the Kaabah mosaic.

Listening to Lives of the Prophets by Anwar Al-awlaki. This term they study on Tape 4 The da'wa of Ibrahim to his people: Ibrahim and al-Nimrud, The hijrah of Ibrahim(as), Ibrahim in Harran, Ibrahim in Egypt, Ismail(as) Tape 5 Building al-Ka'bah: The virtues of Ibrahim(as). After listen to it, they will do comprehension based on the section they had listen to.

Here are some reading materials related to Hajj theme that the girls are doing this term:
MY HAJJ 2003 JOURNAL by The Imam's Daughter
The Hajj Muslim Pilgrimage To Makkah
Diary of A Haji: 21 Days for the Holy Land by Prof. M. Ishaq Zahid (Creator of Islam101.com)
Tell me about Hajj (for kids) These exciting historical events are presented in a simple, informative style, with beautiful illustrations, so that young people may understand and enjoy them.
TJ Hajj resources for educating children about the Hajj season.

Technology and Enterprise - This term our theme is Hajj and the girls were doing Kaabah mosaic. This activity will give the girls opportunity to work towards T&E outcomes. Masha Allah, they worked hard and what's important they learn heaps of thing like team work, patience, islamic art, cutting tile, grouting and having fun.

Hajj & Umrah Guide and Board Game with Flashcards - Download pdf file here

The Arts - Brief History of Islamic Art Essay on Architecture, Pottery, Carpet Making, Painting, Metal Working and Silks.
Islamic Floral Patterns and Geometry A Presentation of Islamic Art and Architecture.

Hifz - Before maghrib. They are doing surah Al Baqarah one page a week.
