Our family favourite Eid cookies.

It has been a week since Eid, a celebration after the month of Ramadan, the fasting month. I know it's too late to say Eid Mubarak but I hope you had a blessed Eid and may Allah accept our deeds during Ramadan.

Speaking about Eid I would like to share the Eid cookies or biscuits that my girls and me makes almost every year. They are the Chocolate Almond, Makmur, Pineapple Tart/Nastar, Rainbow Crystal and Sarang Semut/ Ant's Nest.

Insha Allah I would like to share the recipes here for my future reference. Most of them are in Malay though.

I made Nastar as my soul mate called it or Pineapple Tart especially for him and my beautiful girl Riyah. I got the recipe from Mat Gebu at the Dapur Tanpa Sempadan. Here is the link for the pastry and the link for the pineapple jam is here. Usually I make them with butter but this year I made them using margarine. I found them a bit harder. My soul mate likes them to be rolled but since I don't have the mould like this or this so I made the Nyonya style using the cookie cutter like this.

Pineapple Tart

My other two beautiful girls Tas and Niifah really love the Chocolate Almond. I got the recipe from Sweet V@nilla blog, a final year medical student in Moscow who want to be a chef . Here is the link to the recipe.

 Chocalate Almond

We made the Sarang Semut Biscuit or The Ant's Nest because Niifah loves it. This year when we made it the girls just realized that the chocolate rice was actually the ants on the ant's nest. Here is the link for the recipe.

 Ant's Nest

The Makmur Biscuit and Rainbow Crystal Biscuit are my all time favourite. I always make Rainbow Crystal for Eid because it is my old time favourite other than Makmur. For the Crystal Ball recipe I got it from Resipi Chef and the link is here. For the first time this year I got my gut to make the Makmur but during the time when I was making it, I said to myself that this is the first and last because it took so much of my time to make it. It tastes really yummy and I may make it next Eid, so I better save the link to the recipe from My Lemony Kitchen here, Lisa, a blogger who live in Perth. I use half of the ghee recommended on the recipe.

 Rainbow Crystal


We all have our favourite cookies for Eid. I wonder if Mujhee could take her food orally instead through the PEG or tube on her tummy, what would be her favourite? When I asked Fana, my youngest girl, which one is her favourite, she say all of them.
